Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Using Salt in Magick

Photo Credit: Unknown
Salt is one of the purest substances that comes from earth. It offers healing and protective properties and can clear the energy in any room. Salt is often used to remove or keep away any negative energy within or around your aura or home and it is said that laying down iron & salt at the entrances of your home will keep out the bad vibes or negative baggage from guests who enter. For centuries Black Salt has often been used for Hex or Curse breaking, because Salt is a powerful absorber of psychic energy & can help against possible psychic attacks, which usually occur when spirits chord themselves to a person.

Salt has the unique ability to also transmit electricity and is actually one of the strongest conductors known to man. It can even break down most metals, bringing them into a more natural state, while clearing any energy in a space. With this said, it is best to never leave open salt by an altar as it can constantly wipe your energy clean and make your workings less effective; instead, Himalayan Salt rock is softer in nature and better for leaving by sacred spaces if you choose to do so. Salt is a great way to cleanse tools and crystals from old or negative energies, however do not leave them in the salt to long, as they can tend to damage or rust. I highly recommend a Himalayan salt lamp in each room of the home or near an altar & a salt bath at least once a week. It will strengthen your aura and leave you pure of mind, body & spirit.

Pretty much every civilization on earth has the same ideas of the magickal properties of salt. It is a very grounding substance and when mixed with sand makes a wonderful way to cast a circle. With it's healing properties it is often put into medicine pouches amongst many different cultures and used in healing rituals. Remember: Salt does not distinguish between "good" or "bad" energies, therefore active magicians and priests, must handle it with care so that it doesn't inadvertently dampen their abilities and disturb their magical workings.

Blessed Be,
~ Jenna

A 4-Step Spiritual House Clearing :

1. Find a beautiful glass bowl of any size. (A bigger one will not offer a bigger outcome. It is all intent and the energy you put into it. ) Then fill the bowl with salt. (simple house salt or rock salt will do)

2. Place the bowl with the salt near the heart of the home (the center - or where everyone gathers : Kitchen, living room, etc).

3. Leave it there for three days.

4. On the third day at sundown, take the bowl and the salt somewhere where you can release both the physical salt as well as the psychic attachments it has absorbed. (You can throw this salt into a river, or a fire, or bury it, as if you are burying the energy.) As you empty the bowl (you can do this a handful at a time), tell the salt about your worries and troubles and your fears, your negative thoughts. It will take those as well and while you're there.

* You may refill the bowl and repeat this process
once a week or whenever you feel it is right.

You will notice a distinct improvement in the atmosphere of your home and those who live in it, within a few days.


Purchase Black Salt Here 


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