Tuesday, March 25, 2014

History of the Witch Broom (aka) Besom

During the time leading up to the witchcraft trials in Europe, the bread was made with rye. In a small town where the bread was fresh baked this was just fine, but as Europe began to urbanize and the bread took more time to get from bakery to grocer, the rye bread began to host a mold called "ergot".

Ergot, in high doses, can be lethal, a fact that led to the rise in popularity of wheat bread. In smaller doses, ergot is a powerful hallucinogenic drug. it became quite popular among those who were inclined towards herbalism and folk cures. Ergot is mentioned in Shakespeare's plays, and turns up in virtually every contemporary writing of the witchcraft age. In particular, it is the inevitable central ingredient in the ointment that witches rubbed their flying broomsticks with. 

When ergot is eaten, there was the risk of death, but when absorbed through the thin tissues of the female genitals, the hallucinogenic effects were more pronounced with less ill effects. The modern image of a witch riding a broomstick was inspired by the sight of a woman rubbing herself on the drug coated smooth stick of her broom, writhing in the throes of hallucinations, and no doubt, some intense pleasure as well. To her unsophisticated neighbors, such a sight would have been terrifying. The lack of an equivalent mechanism for men is one reason why "witchcraft" was seen as a predominantly female phenomenon.

However, It was not only accused witches experimenting with this new hallucinogenic. Records from the 14th to the 17th century mention Europeans' affliction with "dancing mania," which found groups of people dancing through streets, often speaking nonsense and foaming at the mouth as they did so, until they collapsed from exhaustion. Those who experienced the "mania" would later describe the wild visions that accompanied it. This later led to the discovery of LSD in the 20th century by Albert Hofmann, who was undergoing the study of Ergot.

It later became pharmacological knowledge to produce drug-laden balms called "witch's brews." They were distributed as salves with maximum effectiveness. The users of "witch's brews" were, in a very practical sense, using their ointment-laden broomsticks to get high. They were using their brooms, basically, to "fly."

Photo Credit: Unknown

In pagan rituals., As a tool, the broom is seen to balance both "masculine energies (the phallic handle) and female energies (the bristles)". it's used in many traditions as a method of cleansing or purifying a space. In some cultures, the rite of jumping the broom is considered an important part of a marriage ceremony. Many pagan traditions have the bridal couple, jump across the broom during a Handfasting as a symbol of fertility & to signify the establishment of their new household. Prior to childbirth, women used a broom to sweep the threshold of the home, both for protection and to prepare the way for the new spirit to enter.

Witches use brooms in magick and ritual. The pagan broom or "besom" is used in ritual for cleansing the general circle or ritual area. The besom is sweeping away the psychic dirt, getting the area purified for the ritual at hand. A Witch may begin a ritual by sweeping the area with the magick broom, visualizing the psychic dirt being swept out of the ritual area. The sweeping also helps to get the mind ready for the ritual, quieting the mind and narrowing the focus for the witch.

Many Witches keep a besom by their door, or hanging over their door to protect the home from unwanted outside energies. The besom is a purifier and is related to the element of Water. They have been used by Witches to indicate to other occultists that they were resident, or at work, by placing a besom (broom) outside the door. A besom should always be stood upright when not in use as a sign of respect for the element.

** BRINGING GOOD LUCK TO A NEW HOME : The first things you should bring into the home are a loaf of freshly baked bread, a bottle of wine & a new broom. The bread and wine ensure that you will always have enough to eat and drink in your new home. The besom represents the male / female energies & protection. Use the broom to 'sweep' away any negative energies the former tenants may have left behind. A chant for the process and home blessing: " Protect this home, High to low, fence to fence, door to door, light to dense, roof to floor. " **


- HANDLE: A four-foot length of ash, oak for the handle
-Thin branches of birch for the bristle part (you can substitute a woody herb like mugwort or thyme for the bristles if you like)
Lengths of willow or heavy cord to bind everything together

You'll also need scissors and a bucket of warm water.
Whatever you'll be using for the bristles -- whether it's birch, an herb, or some other wood -- should be soaked in the warm water overnight to make them pliable, as should the willow binding, if you're using it.
(Consider making your broom within your sacred circle or sacred space )


"Sweep out evil, sweep out ill,
Where I do the Lady's will.
Besom, besom, Lady's Broom
Sweep out darkness, sweep out doom.
~So Be It! Blessed Be~ "

Photo Credit: Unknown


A blessing for your new Besom/witches broom.

Make yourself comfortable on the floor with all the items in front of you. recommended to do starting on a new moon, but if not can do on waxing or full moon.


white candle
incense of your choice
small dish of water (preferably water touched by moonlight)
sea salt

Light the candle and incense.
Breathe in deeply through your nose (as if you were meditating) and visualize grounding energy filling your body.
Breathe out through your mouth ridding yourself of all negativity.
Repeat this process until you are completely relaxed and grounded.
Pass the besom through the incense smoke and say: With scented air light and free, I give you breath. Blessed be.
Pass the besom (very quickly) through the candle flame (being careful not to set the besom on fire or burn yourself obviously) and say: With fire dancing wild and free, I give you passion. Blessed be.
Sprinkle the besom with a little water and say: With water pure I give to thee, the blood of life. Blessed be.
Sprinkle the besom with a little salt and say: Salt of earth I give to thee, roots in magick. Blessed be.
Hold the besom close to you. Caress it lovingly and say: I am yours and you are mine henceforth until the end of time. Life I give you willingly as I will so mote it be.

Your Besom is blessed!

Thanks for reading!
Peace, Love & Light,
~ Jenna

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